Champion steps for success

If you have already submitted a signed Tour Stop Request Form and confirmed your Tour Stop date, then you have completed Step 1.

Tour Stop Request Form

Tour Stop Requirements

For your Tour Stop to be a success we need to ensure you site can satisfy some location and logistical needs. If these are not met, it is possible that we will be unable to set up for your Tour Stop. We will review all of these requirements with you beforehand.



The Driver will need at least 120’ x 50’ of unencumbered space to Maneuver the Workshop into position. This is equivalent to 18 parking spaces long x 2 spaces wide. The Tour Driver will review a Google Earth view of your site and discuss a suitable location with the host prior to arrival. 


Please Note: 

The Mobile Workshop cannot be located in or block bus, carpool or fire lanes. Moving the Workshop after being set up will cause significant delay and potential cancellations.


Set Up and Break Down: 

The Tour Team will need approximately 90 minutes for set up and break down activities.  This can vary depending on site-specific needs and adjustments.   



Any space provided MUST be reasonably level.



Entry/Exit routes must be free of any obstructions at least 110” wide x 15’ high. Obstructions include curbs, shrubbery, tree limbs or any other similar hazard that can result in superficial and/or substantial damage to the Workshop. Failure to note such obstructions may result in delayed start.  



If entry/exit to the Host Site is problematic for a full-length commercial trailer, the host must secure police or other assistance if/when traffic must be encumbered on the afternoon prior to arrival. 



We ask that you mark the designated area with cones, rope or other indicators to prevent vehicles from using this space.


Tours of the Mobile Workshop are for eighth grade and above. (No one under the age of 13.)  Any student or child under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 



Each group requires at least one teacher on board and supervising the class of students at all times. 



The Be Pro Tour Director will conduct briefings, either at the start of each day or the start of each period, inside a designated classroom or auditorium.  


Tour Times: 

For all school campus visits, the Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop (“Workshop”) will be ready to begin receiving students/visitors at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 3:00 p.m.  All other events will begin and end as discussed with the Event Host.  



If the Tour Team is on site for more than 4 hours, they will require a lunch break. Lunch should be determined prior to arrival and coincide with the designated lunch period provided to students.  



Tours of the Mobile Workshop are for eight grade and above. Any student or child under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. 



No more than 10 students will be ushered by a Be Pro MVP to the Mobile Workshop. Once inside, they will be assigned to a simulator and then given the opportunity to rotate through and explore all 12. Each group will spend approximately 15 minutes on board, or more, as time permits.


Most Valuable Pros

Be Pro Be Proud created the Most Valuable Pros Program (MVPs) to offer a unique hands-on learning and leadership opportunity for students you select to participate. Each day, four to eight students are invited to spend the day working with the Be Pro Mobile Workshop Tour Team to demonstrate the use of on-board simulators and communicate directly with peers about available training options and career opportunities.

Students are match with simulators of particular interest so they, too, can dive deeper into these careers. In addition to gaining volunteer hours and career-focused experiences, Be Pro Be Proud will select one MVP each week to showcase on its state-specific social media channels. The stories will highlight MVPs to higher ed and company recruiters and will influence other students to consider Be Pro Be Proud careers as viable opportunities.

MVPs will also receive a specific Tallo badge to add to their own profiles showcasing to partners their additional engagement. One person from each Be Pro Be Proud state will be selected each month to receive an additional spotlight at the national level.


Program Details

• Four or More Students Are Selected (male & female) by their teachers.

• MVPs need to plan to arrive at 8:30 am on the tour day.

• MVPs will receive a complementary BE PRO BE PROUD MVPs t-shirt to wear for the duration of the tour day.

• After an End-of-Day Debriefing, the Tour Director will dismiss the MVPs to return to class once the tour experience is completed.

• The Be Pro Be Proud Communications Director will email the MVPs selected to receive the additional highlight for more information.

• Waivers may be necessary before students can be showcased on social media channels.

• MVPs MUST be over 14 years old and preferably in the highest participating grade at the host site.


For many, the Be Pro Mobile Workshop Experience may provide a first glimpse of the array of high-demand, high-wage career options that are available across Arkansas’s construction, manufacturing, transportation and utility industry sectors.  Some may be charging down a four-year degree path, while others may be struggling to figure out what’s next.   

The Be Pro Mobile Workshop Pre-Visit Surveys will provide baseline information as to existing student perceptions about which direction their paths will take upon graduation from high school. It will also help paint a better picture of the impact the Be Pro Mobile Workshop Experience has on students’ plans for the future. 

This survey – along with the two that will follow the Be Pro Mobile Workshop Experience – has been developed by Arkansas State University’s College of Business. This information will be collected by and shared directly with ASU and become part of a long-term study of the impact of this effort across Arkansas (and the United States). The Survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and is offered online.

We ask that you provide an opportunity for your students to complete the survey in the days leading up to your BPBP visit. An email will arrive in your inbox that you can forward to your students. A link to this survey is also available in the CHAMPION’S RESOURCE CENTER which you can access at 



Now that your students have experienced the BPBP Mobile Workshop, we need your help to understand its impact on your students. Did they learn anything? Has the information received influenced their trajectories? Are these career paths now something they might consider as potential options post-graduation?  Has the experience encourage them to remain in school and graduate? 

This real time feedback is VITAL for us to understand the impact we’re having (or not) and understand –  from your students’ perspectives – if the information and experience is resonating with them. As with the Pre-Visit Survey, Arkansas State University has guided this effort and will directly receive this feedback.  As before, security measures are in place to ensure the non-identifiable student feedback remains protected.



Your feedback is just as important as your students’. We want and need to know about YOUR experience. Did we perform as promised? Were we timely throughout the visit and id we meet your expectations? Do you see any changes in your students’ attitudes about the next steps on their career paths? All of this information is essential to our continues success and we appreciate your participation. As with those for your students, the Post-Visit Champion Survey will take approximately 15 minutes or less and can be completed and submitted online.   

Join The Movement

Join The Movement

Champions are asked to provide time and encouragement to students to Join the Movement once they’ve completed their Be Pro Mobile Workshop Experience. The Workshop and its onboard simulators are designed to spark the imaginations of students about a variety of high-wage, high-demand career opportunities. Joining the Movement lets Be Pro Be Proud know a student is interested in learning more – more about the industry sectors, training opportunities, employment possibilities, scholarships, incentives and more. It also puts them on the radar of schools recruiting students and companies looking for high-value job candidates. 

Be Pro Be Proud has partnered with Tallo, a LinkdIn-esque, closed digital platform that hosts student profiles which showcase interests, activities and accomplishments. All Be Pro Be Proud Partners – schools, associations and employers – are able to access this recruitment pool to identify, train and hire Arkansas’s future workforce. Once the Be Pro Tour Experience is complete, Champions are asked to provide their students time in the classroom to Join the Movement and follow the prompts to create their own, individualized recruitment profiles. The amount of time can vary but shouldn’t take more than ten minutes for them to build. *In some instances, a 24-hour delay may occur before a student can create a profile. 

Joining the Movement is THE FIRST STEP your students can take to showcase themselves, their skillsets and accomplishments to a wide array of highly-motivated and interested employers.

Tallo Sign-Up

It is important for students to sign up during their time on the mobile workshop while the initiative is still fresh on their minds. In order for students to receive the most of out their experience, including knowing where to find local career opportunities and training, please provide time for students to finalize their profile the following day if they have not done so already. The sign-up process should only take about two minutes.


We ask a lot of our Be Pro Be Proud Champions and we know you have HUGE responsibilities. As a THANK YOU and incentive to work with us to maximize your students’ Be Pro Mobile Workshop Experience, we have created TWO ways we’re investing back into you and your schools or classrooms. 


In your Champions Lesson Plan, we outline FIVE STEPS we need you to complete ahead of and after the your students’ Be Pro Mobile Workshop Experience. In return for completing these five steps, we will – upon completion – send you a $100 gift card for you to use in any way you please – it is our way to say thank you for sharing your invaluable time and energy with us. 


We know you are always in need of additional tools, supplies or equipment in your school or classroom. Each Champion who receives the $100 CHAMPION GIFT CARD will be automatically eligible to receive one of two $1,000 BE PRO BE PROUD CHAMPION SCHOLARSHIPS awarded each semester for you to use at your school, in your department or in your classroom to help you educate and provide for your students. No other restrictions or conditions apply.