Champion Rewards
We ask a lot of our Be Pro Be Proud Champions and we know you have a huge responsibility. As a THANK YOU and incentive to work with us to maximize your students' BE Pro Be Proud experience, we have created two ways we're investing back into you and your schools or classrooms.
Be Pro Be Proud Champion Gift Card
In the Champions Steps to Success, we outline five steps that we need you to complete ahead of and after your students' Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop Experience. In return for completing these five steps, we will - upon completion - send you a $100 gift card for you to use in any way you please. It is our way of saying Thank You for sharing your valuable time and energy with us!
$1,000 Be Pro Be Proud Champion Scholarship
We know that teachers are always in need of additional tools, supplies, or equipment in your school and classroom. Each Champion that recevies the $100 Champion Gift Card will be automatically eligible to receive one of tw0 $1,000 Be Pro Be Proud Scholarships awarded each semester for you to use at your school, in your classroom, or in your department to help educate your students. No other restrictions or conditions apply
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