
The Be Pro Mobile Workshop experience a first glimpse of the array of high-demand, high-wage options available across construction, manufacturing, transportation, and utility energy sectors.

The pre-visit and post-visit surveys, developed by Arkansas State University’s College of Business, assess the impact of the Mobile Workshop Experience and are vital in helping Be Pro Be Proud create the best experience for your students.

Students should complete a short survey in the days leading to your visit. An email will arrive in your inbox that you can forward to your students. You can also use the link below

Students should complete this short survey in the days following the Mobile Workshop visit. You will use the saem link from the email that you received, or the link below.

Your feedback is just as important to us as your students. We want to know about YOUR experience. As with those for your students, the Post-Visit Champion Survey is short and can be completed and submitted online. 

“If you have not heard, seen, or experienced the Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop, please make that a priority. It’s a game changer. It’s a LIFE changer.

 – Lisa Willenberg, Chancellor of University of Arkansas Community College at Morrilton